What are the essential skills and/or leaning outcomes you
want your students to know and be able to do that relate to cognitive learning?
Learning is a long-term change in mental representations or
associations as a result of experience. With cognitive learning, the way
students learn material relates to and affects their performance in a subject
area. The cognitive process is a particular way of thinking about and mentally
responding to a certain event or piece of information. (p. 180) Meanings and
understandings are not derived directly from the environment. They are more so
constructed by the learner from how they view and interact with their
environment. I want my students to be able to make relations to the outside
world or things in their environment that helps them relate back to what we are
learning in the classroom setting. (p. 182) I want my students to be able to
process the information I am teaching them and be able to learn it through
whatever means necessary for them. Since all of my students will not be
learning in the same fashion, it is important that I either give them options
to learn in all forms or I give them the ability to relate the information to
their own way of understanding it. Since I am interested in middle and high
school, by this time I would expect most of these grade level students to know
what works best for them when learning new information. As teachers, we must
remember that students will not necessarily always learn or remember
information exactly as we present it to them. They will each interpret the
classroom subject matter in their own unique and individual way. (p. 183) There is nothing wrong with
this, but teachers should be aware of it so that they can more appropriately
plan their lessons. I personally learn in a few different ways, one of which is
very visual, another of which is completely hands on and doing, and finally I
learn by writing and rewriting information down. This may not be how all or any
of my students process and learn information, I can also guarantee that some of
my students will be none of these. However, I expect that as my students
progress in my classroom they also progress in their ability to understand what
we are learning in their own way and to be able to note just what works for
them or does not work for them when trying to learn new information.
How might your knowledge of the memory process guide your
instructional decisions?
The memory process is a learners’ ability to mentally save
previously learned knowledge or skills over a period of time. When students
store what they are learning, you hope they are storing it for later use.
Sometimes, they store it for use right away and sometimes they store it for use
down the road. (p. 184) Through the memory process, learners usually store information
exactly as they receive it. I know that everything I teach will not be
something that my students decide to store in their long-term memory. I do
hope, however, that whatever they store in their short-term memory will
eventually come back at some point to help them in their future endeavors. As a
teacher, it is my job to make sure that I am presenting my material to my
students in a way that appeals to their appetite to learn and absorb
information. If I present information to my students in a very solemn and
non-interactive way, then they will probably not remember it as being fun or
worth their time. The goal is to grab their attention, hold it, and then get
them involved in what you want them to learn. This is why I love art so much,
but this is also why teaching art can be so hard. Not all of my students will
want to be in the art classroom. I have just recently experienced this in a
middle school I am observing. While I know that this varies on the teacher,
their style of teaching, and the types of projects you introduce to the class,
I also know that some students just do not find art appealing in any way,
shape, or form. So, when trying to help my students learn I will be
incorporating other things into my lessons that will hopefully stick and in
some manner remind them that a particular art project helped them achieve and
grow in other areas of their life. For example, I plan to allow my students to
take unfinished art projects home, considering that it is not too elaborate of
a project. Whenever they finish the project and bring it back to me is when I
will grade it. There will be no late grade as long as I get the finished
project back before final grades of the semester have to be in. This puts the
responsibility on my students to keep up with the artwork, complete it, and get
it turned back in to me in a decent form. I am teaching them about being
responsible and hopefully instilling in them a sense of awareness that their
actions and efforts determine their grades.
ReplyDeleteI agree that it is helpful for students to learn interactively. I think this will come easily for your art classroom and allow many opportunities for creative discussion. Also, in many of my other classes, we learned that it is easier for the students to store information if they know they will use it in the future (their goals), so I think it is a great idea if we can connect what we are teaching to the real world. We discussed this briefly on Thursday with our group, but I think it's something important to consider not only to help us, but also our students!